During a discussion I was having this past week about the stock market, the person with whom I was conversing mentioned that economics and banking were not President Obama's forte.
Then I asked him a trick question. "What is Obama's forte?"
Naturally, he was dumbfounded.
Obama's forte, as a matter of fact, is speaking to large audiences with words written by a skilled speechwriter. Most people paying attention have long known that Obama isn't at his best when he's off-script. That's why I thought this article was so interesting. And not the least bit surprising.
I especially got a kick out of what deputy press secretary Bill Burton said: "...the American people are a lot more concerned about the plans relayed than the method of delivery."
Yeah, right.
I'm often lambasted for being a Reagan fan, "he's an actor!" The funny thing is, it's not a stretch to say Reagan was a great president; what we've elected most recently is *just* an actor - and one who can't seem to even memorize his lines.